Hello friends today there is a massive recruitment release of Social Influencer Onboarding Internship from leading company Paytm. Know the complete details related to these jobs like qualifications, application process, salary, selection process through the information given below and apply immediately and you will get the job immediately.
🔵 If you have these qualifications and you apply for these jobs you can get these jobs with good salary. So without delay read this article completely and apply immediately.
🔵» Which organization released these jobs:
This massive recruitment has been released by Paytm, one of the leading tech companies in our country.

🔵» Details of Jobs Released:
From this organization we have released jobs related to Social Influencer Onboarding Internship.
🔵» Qualifications you should have:
If you want to apply for these jobs, you must have any degree qualifications, no experience is required..you can apply for these jobs whether you are freshers or experienced.
If you need a job immediately, apply now and get a job.
🔵» How old should be:
You must be minmum 18 years for any job from leading companies in our country. Only then you can apply for these recruitments.
We are looking for a self-motivated person in the product team who will be responsible for data extraction, basic analysis & supporting the existing team of product analysts.
🔵» Salary Details:
Stipend of ₹20,000/- will be given in training.
The company will give you a salary of ₹45,000/- per month for working in this company. Along with these there are other benefits as well.
🔵» How to Apply:
To apply for these jobs, go to that company’s website and submit your details correctly in the application.
🔵» How will the selection process be:
After you apply for these jobs, the company will shortlist you
🔰 Without written test
🔰 Interview will be done
🔰 Document verification and job will be given.