The Telangana Intermediate Board has successfully concluded the intermediate first and second year written examinations in Telangana. A total of 9 lakh people have written the inter exams in 1st year and 2nd year together. There are 4,78,527 people in 1st year. Also there are more than 4 lakh 2nd year students. A total of 9,22,520 people have paid the exam fee for the intermediate exams this time.
The results of the intermediate exams will be released on 22nd of this month. Inter board is making arrangements to this extent. Officials said that the results of the first and second years will be announced simultaneously. Board Commissioner Shruti Ojha told the representative of ‘Sakshi’ that the official date will be announced in one or two days after the results are declared. She said that they would like to declare the results on Sunday or Monday, most likely on Monday. She said that the scrutiny of all the stages regarding the results has been completed and that there are no shortcomings and the field is being prepared for the declaration of the results.
This year the inter exams were held from February 28 to March 18. Around 10 lakh people appeared for these exams. The evaluation process started from 6th March. The evaluation of nearly 60 lakh answer sheets was completed by the end of March. OMR sheets were decoded in the first week of this month. After registering the marks online, all checks are done. As there were no problems, the field was prepared for the official release.

The results of the intermediate first and second year exams will be declared on 22nd of this month. This year the inter exams were held from February 28 to March 18. Around 10 lakh people appeared for the exams. Officials have prepared the ground for the release of the results.
Students can visit the following websites to check their TS Inter Results 2024 First Year and TS Inter Second Year Results 2024 after the declaration of results: